Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Obama's respons to gay marriage letter by Siso Escrigas

Barack Obama Writes Encouraging Letter to Young Girl Bullied for Having Gay Parents

A couple weeks ago, 10-year-old Sophia Bailey Klugh wrote a thoughtful and heartfelt letter to President Barack Obama. In the handwritten note, she praised Obama for his support of family’s like hers, and talked about how sad it made her feel to be bullied for having two gay dads.
I am so glad that you agree two men can love each other because I have two dads and they love each other, but at school kids think that it’s gross and weird, but it really hurts my heart and feelings…
Her two fathers, Jonathan Bailey and Triton Klugh, posted Sophia’s letter on Facebook and it was quickly picked up by major news outlets and media websites. Not surprisingly, the letter made its way into the hands of President Obama, and last week he took the time to write her back with words of encouragement and support:
“In America, no two families look the same. We celebrate this diversity. And we recognize that whether you have two dads or one mom what matters above all is the love we show one another. You are very fortunate to have two parents who care deeply for you. They are lucky to have such an exceptional daughter in you.”
Here is the full letter:

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